Loop Slooth resolves data acquisition grounding problems, ground loops, interference, spikes, makes it possible to reduce measurement noise
Loop Slooth can find ground loops in recording studios and reveal problems with amplifiers, mixers, cables, and microphones.
Loop Slooth finds ground loops in CCTV systems and by showing how to improve grounding can show how to eliminate hum and vertical bars.
Loop Slooth can be used to clean up the signal in data loggers and so eliminate drift and flaky signals.
Loop Slooth can be used to fix grounding problems in MRI and other medical electronic systems and so improve image quality.
Loop Slooth can be used to hunt ground loops in biological patch clamp systems and so improve signal quality.
Loop Slooth can be used to search for ground loops in factory automation systems, CNC machine tools, SCADA systems, and other industrial situations where ground loops cause headaches.
Loop Slooth can be used to find and remove ground loops in audio systems, home theater systems, and concert audio systems involving cables, electric guitars, mixers, keyboards, and amplifiers.
Loop Slooth can be used to located ground loops in physics labs where many coaxial cables are connected to a wide variety of sensors.
Loop Slooth can search for ground loops in vibration tester systems where accelerometers often have improper grounds.
Loop Slooth can be used to identify ground loops with thermocouples and other industrial sensors.
Loop Slooth can be used to find ground faults in certain power systems and so improve power quality.
Find ground loops fast! -eliminate electical interference, fix star grounding